All abstracts must be submitted through the online form available in the PERSONAL AREA. It is necessary to register in the electronic platform before submitting the abstract.

The first author is the author in charge of the presentation and responsible for uploading the communication and/or poster. He/she is also the corresponding author in charge of ensuring that all authors have approved the paper and communicating the status of the submission to the other co-authors.

All authors of each contribution must be signed up to the electronic platform and at least the first author of each communication must be registered in the Congress (which implies the payment of the fee).

Each registered author may be the first author of a maximum of three papers, and his/her name may not appear in more than five.

The author defending the paper must register for the conference before April 15th, 2025, to confirm attendance. Speakers who do not register by this date will not be included in the conference program. The first author will receive the notification of acceptance/rejection on February 21st, 2025, so that he/she can continue the elaboration of the communication for inclusion in the Conference proceedings book.

The contribution may be changed to a different type of presentation format if deemed appropriate by the Scientific Committee after review.

Students defending an oral or poster presentation may request their paper to be eligible for an award. Please read the rules of the Awards in the AWARDS section.

The official languages of the Congress are Spanish and English. These two languages are accepted both for the abstract submission and for the subsequent development of the paper. The communication and/or poster may be presented in any of these two languages, although there will be no simultaneous translation.

All proposed contributions must be original, unpublished papers and must not have been presented at other congresses.

The contributions, in addition to being oral or poster, can be in the form of a book chapter [which could be published in a text (in PDF) in the ASUNIVEP publishing house ( located in the first quartile from SPI]. Similarly, the Journal of Psychology and Education (, which belongs to ACIPE, welcomes the submission of original scientific articles for peer review and possible publication. The deadline for full text submissions in these formats is 15 May 2025.

While the publication of in-extensive papers in the ASUNIVEP publishing house will be decided by the Congress Organizing Committee (after the report from the corresponding scientific committee), publication in the scientific journals will be decided by the Editorial Boards of the journals.

The main author will be able to download an online certificate in PDF for each presented communication.

All papers must conform to one of the thematic lines of the Congress and be directly related to the development of Psychology and Education.

Authors grant permission to the Congress organizers to publish, reproduce, distribute, display and store their papers online and on electronic devices.

The Scientific Committee is pleased to invite authors to submit their abstracts for presentation at the XIII International Congress of Psychology and Education.

We invite abstracts for 3 different types of presentations: free oral communications, symposia and posters.

Free oral communications

Oral communications will aim to present, in a very brief manner, recent research results. Abstracts for the proposal of free communications should be submitted using the submission form available in the PERSONAL AREA. The first author of the contribution will be responsible for the submission and will act as the corresponding author. Prior to submission, all authors appearing in the contribution must be registered on the platform. The maximum length of the abstract will be 300 words. The abstract should be organized in the following sections: Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion, and should be accompanied by three to five keywords or descriptors of the study, including the subject and methodology.

Free oral communications will be presented in person. Each speaker will have a presentation time of 10 minutes followed by a 5-minute question time.

Students defending an oral communication may apply for an award. Please read the rules of the Awards carefully in the section AWARDS.


Symposia will connect researchers and practitioners with complementary or opposing perspectives on a common theme. Abstracts for the symposium proposal should be submitted using the submission form available in the PERSONAL AREA. Each symposium will include between four and five oral communications and will have a coordinator who will give the floor to the participants, analyze the main contributions of each communication, and above all, stimulate a final debate related to the content of the communications.

The abstract of the symposium will have the following structure: a general title, followed by a general summary of the symposium (Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion), and 3 to 5 keywords or descriptors, and the data of the person responsible for the coordination of the symposium. Then, a maximum of 5 contributions will be presented, which will follow the same structure as the general abstract. For each communication, the title and authors’ data should be indicated. The length of the general abstract and of each communication will be 300 words maximum.

The duration of each presentation will be 10-15 minutes. The symposium will have a maximum duration of 60′, plus 15′ for discussion.

The presentation will include the objective of the symposium and a description of the topics, theories or initiatives to be addressed. The symposium coordinator will submit the general abstract of the simposium through the submission portal available in the PERSONAL AREA. Once coordinators introduce the general information of the simposium (name of the coordinator, general title and abstract, keywords), the author who will present each communication must upload their abstract, selecting the title of the simposium from the menu “Symposia proposal”.

Prior to submission, all authors must be registered on the platform.

Symposia will be presented in person.

When submitting your contribution, you may indicate your preference for the type of presentation, although the final format may be be recommended by the Scientific Committee of the Congress.

The organizing committee will cover the cost of inscription and one night’s accommodation for the person who coordinates the symposium. However, all participants in the symposium must signed up to the website and at least the author who will present each communication within the symposium must be registered in the Congress (which implies the payment of the fee).


Abstracts for the proposal of a poster should be submitted using the submission form available in the PERSONAL AREA. The first author of the poster will be responsible for the submission and will act as the corresponding author. Prior to submission, all authors must be registered on the platform. Abstracts will have a maximum length of 300 words. The abstract should be organized in the following sections: Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion, followed by 3 to 5 keywords or descriptors.

Previous preparation and development of the poster sessions during the Congress:

Accepted posters will be exhibited in printed format at the XII International Congress of Psychology and Education.

The dimensions of the poster will be DIN A1 (841mm/594mm), vertical format.

Each poster will be assigned to one of the 3 sessions to be established by the Organizer Committee.

  1. In all communications (oral or poster) of the Congress, at least the author presenting the work must be registered within the normal registration period available on the Congress website.
  2. All contributions must fit into one of the thematic lines of the Congress available on the website and on the submission platform.
  3. The abstracts will be uploaded to the submission platform (Personal Area) following the structure previously marked for each contribution.
  4. Abstracts will be submitted to an evaluation process considering their scientific quality, relevance and compliance with the rules of Congress.
  5. All authors who sign the contribution must register on the platform prior to sending the proposals, filling in the personal data required therein.
  6. Each registered author may be the first author of a maximum of three works, and his/her name may not appear in more than five of them.
  7. The maximum number of authors per contribution will be 5.
  8. Authors of oral communications, symposia and posters may be required to perform abstract review activities within their thematic area, with a maximum of 3 reviews per author.
  9. The official languages of the Congress are Spanish and English. These languages are accepted both for the submission of abstracts and for the subsequent development of the abstracts.
  10. All authors can request the publication of their contribution in full text form, for which different options are available (see the section Registration and preparation of the extended communication for publication on the website). Those who are not interested in publishing the full text will see their abstract published in the proceedings book of the Congress.
  11. The publication of the work in extenso as a book chapter requires that all authors who sign the communication are registered in the congress, which implies payment.)

Abstracts can be submitted until February 1st, 2025 through the Congress PERSONAL AREA and must have a maximum length of 300 words, in Times New Roman 12p font, single-spaced. Please visit the PRESENTATION FORMATS section for more information about the different contribution forms and their characteristics.

All authors named in the abstract should appear in the same order in which you would like them to appear in the Congress program and the proceedings book. Submissions should include between 3 and 5 keywords, separated by comas.

Abstracts that do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to the authors.
Abstracts will be subject to an evaluation process developed by the Scientific Committee taking into account their scientific quality, relevance, and compliance with the Congress guidelines.
The criteria for the review of papers are:
– relevance for the advancement of knowledge and psychological and/or educational practice.
– theoretical and empirical background.
– clarity of the applied objectives and methods.
Notification of acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be issued from February 21st, 2025. All authors whose abstracts have been accepted can submit the full text up to May 15th, 2025.

All paper presenters must register in the PERSONAL AREA before February 1, 2025. Papers whose authors are not registered at the congress will be excluded from the program.

Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the Congress with ISBN (in PDF format). Also, authors may send their contribution to be published as full text under one of the following formats:

-In the form of a book chapter [which could be published in a text (in PDF) in the ASUNIVEP publishing house ( located in the first quartile from SP1]. The length of the publication will be 4,500 words (including tables, graphs, figures, tables and references) following the template created for this purpose and available here and in the PERSONAL AREA. The full-text publication as a book chapter requires that all authors be registered and enrolled in the congress, which implies making payment.

– In the Journal of Psychology and Education (, which belongs to ACIPE, that welcomes the submission of original scientific articles for peer review and possible publication.

The deadline for full text submissions in these formats is 15 May 2025.

While the publication of the full text in the ASUNIVEP publishing house will be decided by the Congress Organizing Committee (after the report from the corresponding scientific committee), publication in the scientific journal will be decided by the Editorial Board of the journal.

Full texts will be written in one of the oficial languajes of the Congress (Spanish or English).

The submission of a paper abstract or poster must imply a commitment to participate in the congress. In the event that, once the paper has been accepted, personal or health circumstances force you to cancel your participation, please notify as soon as possible in order to exclude it from the program.

Cancellations impose a heavy workload and have a negative impact on the overall quality of the conference program. Cancellations notified before May 11, 2025 will have a 15% penalty for management fees. After this date, cancellation will imply 100% of the registration fee.