Teachers' beliefs and their relationship to different variables conditioning factors of teacher performance.



Short CV

Professor of the Department of Research and Psychology in Education at the Complutense University of Madrid, Coordinator of the interuniversity research team GOYAD composed of academics and doctoral students from the Universities of Oviedo, Complutense, Huelva, Burgos (Spain) and the Universities of Playa Ancha, Viña del Mar and Los Leones (Chile) and member of the research group ‘Psychology, development and educational intervention’ of the UCM. Author of the programmes of Efficient Personality. Author of numerous scientific publications, both national and international, in the field of educational psychology, her main lines of research being the Development of Effective Personality, Strategic Information Processing and Models of Analysis of the Educational Situation. She is an evaluator of scientific journals and technical advisor to Latin American universities.

Symposium abstract

The study of educational beliefs is one of the cultural constructs that should be explicit and the object of study in the teacher training process, on the understanding, as many authors point out, that teachers’ beliefs can have a greater influence on their performance than the disciplinary knowledge they themselves possess. This is particularly important in view of the frequent legislative changes that characterise the Spanish government. There are models for analysing organisational culture in general, but models for analysing culture in educational contexts remain difficult.

 Among the existing ones, the model of analysis of the teacher’s educational paradigms proposed by F. Domenech and his research team at the University of Castellón has been chosen. His categorisation proposal is based on the four classic instructional paradigms: traditional paradigm (teacher-centred approach), behaviourist paradigm (product-centred approach), cognitive paradigm (student-centred approach) and humanist paradigm (process-centred approach).

In this symposium, five papers will present the results obtained on beliefs as a function of the variables gender, teaching experience, effective personality traits and entrepreneurial personality types. For these last two variables we follow the model of effective personality proposed by the team of Martin del Buey, Eugenia Martín and Di Giusto, experienced in different Spanish and Spanish-speaking universities and object of multiple defended doctoral theses.

A quantitative cross-sectional design has been followed: descriptive, inferential and correlational study. Participants: 640 teachers of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate. Instruments Pedagogical beliefs questionnaire and personality questionnaire The variables considered were gender, teaching experience, effective personality styles and types of entrepreneurship.