He holds a diploma in speech therapy and teaching from the University of Oviedo, is an expert in school coexistence from the UNED, and has a Master’s degree in Socio-Educational Intervention and Research from the University of Oviedo.
He is currently working as a career hearing and language teacher in the ACNEAE Regional Psychopedagogical Team of the Department of Education of the Principality of Asturias. He combines this work with research on teacher training regarding evidence-based practice aimed at students on the autism spectrum (ADIR Group, University of Oviedo).
He has spent part of his professional career teaching these students at different stages, contexts, and educational modalities, regularly collaborating in numerous training activities – including Master’s degrees – related to autism and communication and language for educational administrations, universities, and organizations in Spain and Latin America.
Author and co-author of various publications on autism in school settings in indexed scientific and popular journals, book chapters, as well as the guide “Students with ASD: Guidelines for planning the educational response” of the Department of Education of the Principality of Asturias.
The literature establishes the prevalence of autism at 1%, which has led to an increase in the demand for psychoeducational responses in the social and school environment. This symposium aims to cover, from a broad perspective, response formats in psychoeducational environments for children and adolescents on the autism spectrum.
Firstly, the DIATEC (Early Support Device for Social Communication) program will be presented, with open and free access, which provides families with different tools to deal with the first fifty days after the detection of the first risk alerts for ASD or after receiving a diagnosis.
Secondly, the design and application of personalized plans based on the ACP (Positive Behavioral Support) methodology will be shared, which describes maladaptive behavior and its triggers, based on a close knowledge of the person, a rigorous record, and analysis of incidents to achieve the context of emotional regulation that allows working on emotional stability and accessing a situation of acquiring skills.
Thirdly, a study is presented that evaluates a psychoeducational intervention to teach signaling pictograms to minimally verbal autistic children, with one part aimed at the use of digital tablets and a second part comparing tablets, humanoid robots, and methods without technology.
Finally, the results of the study that gave rise to the “Strategy for Improving the Educational Inclusion of Students with ASD Special Educational Needs in the Principality of Asturias” will be presented, which was created in response to the increase in their presence, now accounts for half of the students with special educational needs in this community.