Alejandro Rodríguez-Martín. Ph.D. is a Professor at the Department of Education Sciences (area of “Didactics and Organzation of the School) at the University of Oviedo (Asturias, Spain). He graduated in Educational Psychology at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) where he also obtained his PhD. He has been a visiting scholar at different higher education institutions and research centres in Europe and America. He is a member of the European Network on Inclusive Education & Disability (incluD-ed); of the Spanish Pedagogical Society (in Spanish “SEP”) and of the Network of Universities and Inclusive Education (in Spanish “RUEI”). He has taken part in official Master’s Degrees and Doctorate Programs about Inclsuive education and innovation. His research interests include Inclusive Education, Entrepreneurial Training, ICT and innovation. He is the author of different papers in these fields She has published a lot of articles in indexed journals and chapters in books, and various books of this subjects. He received several research awards in the USA and He was a finalist for the Best Teacher Award in Spain, 2019. He has developed educational activities as a university professor in the subjects of Inclusive Education and innovation. Currently he is Head of the Department of Education Sciences University of Oviedo.
In this Symposium we try to delve deeper, from different realities and perspectives, into the challenges that education must face in order to place the fundamental right to diversity as a backbone of educational systems, promoting change in schools and educational communities. Therefore, we intend to invite people to reflect and rethink inclusive education from its conceptualization to its development in specific experiences and research in various contexts and regions of our State and, also, from an international perspective.