The formation of critical thinking for good academic and professional performance in the new times.
- Carlos Saiz
- Óscar Tamayo Alzate
- Yasaldez E. Loaiza Zuluaga
- Francisco J. Ruiz Ortega
- Miguel H. Guamanga
Short CV
Dr. in Psychology, has been teaching and researching Critical Thinking (CP) for more than twenty-five years. He has published several books and numerous articles in international journals and has given courses and conferences in several countries. For many years he has been the coordinator of the Accredited Research Group (ARG) of the University of Salamanca: Critical Thinking and Positive Psychology, which has two priorities: teaching and evaluation in CP.
On the group’s website ( you can access the most relevant professional activities of recent years, both in teaching and research.
Symposium abstract
With the advent of the first functional smartphone and the subsequent development of social networks thanks to this pocket computer, the world began to change and this transformation has not stopped. Major advances in neuroscience, artificial intelligence, and other less obvious advances have changed our world to such an extent that our new reality requires greater knowledge of our environment, as it poses new challenges and problems.
These are the new times in which new personal, professional and social problems must be faced. The question we have to ask ourselves is this: if our world has changed so much and so fast, has the education of our future graduates changed enough to adapt to the new times? For us, the answer is clearly no.
Therefore, in this symposium, we will propose some ideas to improve the education of our students. First, because education needs new ways of doing things that emphasize imagination and good thinking. And second, because these improvements, if they occur, should lead to better personal, academic, and professional performance. Therefore, the papers of this symposium will propose to include in the training, cognitive and non-cognitive components that are determinant for a better development of critical thinking. And all this in order to improve our responses to the challenges of this new world, more uncertain than ever.