Burnout and parental involvement in children's education

Isabel Piñeiro Aguín


Short CV

Degree in Psychopedagogy from the University of A Coruña (UDC) and PhD in Psychopedagogy from the same university. Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology. She has 4 five-year periods for teaching merits and 3 six-year periods for research merits.

She is currently Coordinator at the University of A Coruña of the International Doctorate Programme in Social Sciences and Ageing within the UNISF Project (Universidade sem Fronteiras) which is part of the network of public universities in the Euroregion.

She is a member of the Educational Psychology Research Group (GIPED) (code G000689) of the UDC.

She has held different positions and obtained several research contracts: collaboration in teaching grant from the UDC; third cycle studies grant from the UDC; pre-doctoral research grant from the Xunta de Galicia; post-doctoral research grant from the Xunta de Galicia; Associate Professor of Developmental Psychology and Education; ‘Parga Pondal’ Research Contract from the Xunta de Galicia; Assistant Professor; Assistant Professor and Doctoral Assistant Professor (LOU) and Doctoral Contract Professor.

She has been Academic Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Intervention in Disability and Dependence of the Faculty of Physiotherapy of the UDC during the academic year 2012 – 2013.

Co-author of numerous articles published in scientific journals published in journals indexed in JCR. Her research collaborations include the study and analysis of the strategies and processes of self-regulated learning in different educational stages. In recent years she has begun to work on a new line of research on the cognitive functioning of the elderly, psychological intervention in elderly people with dependency, as well as psychological care for caregivers of these people.

She has participated in different research projects: regional (University of A Coruña, Xunta de Galicia) and national (MEC).

Symposium abstract

Parental involvement in children’s academic life – together with the other demands of work and family responsibilities and circumstances – can lead parents to experience a burnout called ‘parental burnout’. In turn, this situation of parental burnout may be interfering with different academic variables associated with their children. 

This symposium presents several papers that delve into the study of the prevalence of parental burnout, as well as the effect that parental involvement has on certain academic variables of their children. In this sense, the first study analyses how the behaviour that children perceive their parents to be predictive of academic goal orientation. Along the same lines, in the second paper presented, considering that participation in homework at home is the most typical way in which parents get involved in their children’s education, the incidence of parental involvement in the approach to homework work has been examined.

Parental burnout experienced as a parent entails significant physical and psychological exhaustion, as well as a series of consequences in the sphere of the emotional relationship with their children. The third paper presented analyses the role of emotional intelligence and stress coping strategies as potential personal factors related to a lower probability of developing parental burnout.

Finally, the fourth paper presents an in-depth identification of those factors that may be more associated with parental burnout, as well as an analysis of the consequences that this syndrome has on the formation of emotional bonds, and on the emotional and psychological development of children.