The Management of Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Teaching: Attitudes, Competencies, and Educational Practices

Judit Janés Carulla


Short CV

Judit Janés Carulla is a Tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology,

Sociology, and Social Work at the University of Lleida since 2010. Her research interests have focused on bilingual and multilingual education in multilingual territories and the importance of linguistic attitudes in language learning and the social integration of students. Throughout her academic career, she has been an uninterrupted member of Research Groups Consolidated by the Government of Catalonia (currently, she belongs to the Language and Education Group – 2021 SGR 00996). She has participated in more than 50 research projects, the vast majority of which were competitively funded, and has conducted several research stays at internationally recognized centers in her field of study. She has over 60 scientific publications, the vast majority indexed in the most demanding databases, and has participated in more than 90 national and international conferences. She has also supervised 4 doctoral theses. Of particular significance to the recognition of her research work are the National Educational Research Award – 2007, awarded by the Ministry of Education, Social Policy and Sports – Educational Research and Documentation Center (CIDE), and two research six-year periods (AQU).


Regarding her teaching activities, she has 3 recognized five-year periods and has actively participated in teaching innovation projects. She has also carried out teaching

stays at various international universities.


Finally, her management career began in 2009. Since 2019 (the year of its creation), she has been the Director of the Department of Psychology, now the Department of

Psychology, Sociology, and Social Work. She recently obtained the first management


Symposium abstract

The influence of attitudes toward cultural and linguistic diversity is a central aspect in the development of inclusive and equitable educational environments. In this context, the aim of this symposium is to present a collection of quantitative and qualitative studies on the attitudes, competencies, and educational practices of future teachers regarding cultural diversity. Furthermore, it seeks to identify the necessary strategies to foster pluralistic attitudes and competencies in cultural and linguistic integration among these teachers.


Key aspects will be addressed, such as acculturation preferences — integration, assimilation, segregation, and exclusion —, perceptions of the cultural enrichment that diversity brings, and attitudes toward majority and minority languages. Special attention will be given to studying acculturation preferences toward specific groups, such as individuals of Moroccan and Latin American origin, as these groups are highly represented in the Catalan context. The exploration will focus on how these preferences can influence educational practices and classroom dynamics.


The discussion will include the role of intergroup contact in shaping these attitudes and developing the essential competencies that future teachers need to effectively manage diversity in multicultural classrooms. Particular emphasis will be placed on the role of empathy, knowledge of different cultures and languages, and the ability to overcome stereotypes.


Finally, the role of undergraduate training in addressing diversity will be debated as a fundamental tool for strengthening the cultural and linguistic competencies of future teachers. Additionally, an instrument for evaluating these competencies in the educational context will be presented.


In summary, the works and initiatives presented in this symposium aim to contribute to the construction of inclusive discourses aligned with the diverse realities of today’s classrooms, thereby promoting the development of an education system that includes and celebrates cultural and linguistic diversity.