Responding to emotional needs in the educational context: programs, experiences and resources

Mª del Carmen Pérez Portillo


Short CV
Graduate in Psychology, University of Oviedo. Specialization in Clinical Psychology, Complutense University of Madrid. Graduate in Psychopedagogy, UNED. Coordinator for 15 years of different work groups, dependent on the Department of Education of Asturias, related to behavioral, emotional, disability problems… Coordinated and taught, for nine years, training to teachers who joined the Special Education Center. Tutor of student practices in psychology, pedagogy and psychopedagogy. Speaker at different national and international Congresses and Conferences. Participated in various research projects on teaching quality and special educational needs. Currently participating in a study on the figure of the coordinator of well-being in educational centers. Coordinator of the Psice project in Asturias, which aims to prevent emotional problems in educational contexts. Coordinator of the educational psychology commission of the Official College of Psychology of the Principality of Asturias. Member of the division of the area of ​​Educational Psychology of the General Council of Psychology of Spain. She has developed her professional work as a psychologist in the health field as well as a counselor in different guidance services of the Department of Education of Asturias. Among her publications are: “Evolution of Special Education and Analysis of the Current Situation in Asturias” and “Intellectual Disability and Behavioral Problems, Practical Guide to Intervention”, as well as different chapters in collective books.
Symposium abstract
The emotional difficulties that a large part of children and young people currently have can be observed in the different areas in which they develop and especially in one of them, where they spend a significant number of hours a day for years of their lives and that is the school context. This context is very important when considering actions aimed at the universal prevention of emotional problems and intervention in an accessible and natural context for students. This aspect would require having professionals and intervention programs with scientific evidence that contribute to developing skills and coping strategies in students to deal with the difficulties they will have to face throughout their lives. In this symposium we will address the strategies and programs that are currently being developed, with a view to prevention and intervention in the school context, in cases of anxiety, depression and risk of suicide in different autonomous communities. We will analyze the role of the welfare coordinator, recently incorporated into schools, and their role in relation to the emotional well-being of students. In a world that is changing at an increasingly accelerated pace, we wonder how this can affect children and young people in terms of emerging violence. We will also address the use of AI, its use in the school context and what it can contribute to early detection and therefore the reduction of waiting times for intervention in risk situations involving emotional problems.