Assessment in People with Intellectual Disabilities




Short CV

She holds an International Doctorate from the University of Oviedo and works as an Assistant Professor at the University of Cantabria. Her primary research focus on the field of disability, particularly concerning individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, although her work also extends to other groups at risk of social exclusion, such as people with other disabilities and elderly people. She received the second 2018 AMPANS Award on Research and Innovation concerning research in intellectual disabilities, the Second 2021 International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies Best Phd Dissertation Award on Quality of Life, and received a recognition of academic excellence from the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in 2021. Additionally, she was a beneficiary of a predoctoral scholarship and a postdoctoral orientation period “Severo Ochoa” for research and teaching training by the Principality of Asturias (BP16007).


She is a co-author of four quality-of-life assessment tools and has twenty-six publications and over fifty contributions to international conferences. She has collaborated on various research projects (international, national, and regional), working as a research technician for two years and two months on two projects funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PSI2012-33139) and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (PID2019-105737RB-I00), respectively.


She has completed three international research internships at prestigious institutions, totaling eight months (University of Kansas, USA; Ghent University, Belgium). Currently, she is a member of the Editorial Committee of the journal Psicothema (WOS JCR Q1), serves as a guest editor for Behavioral Sciences (WOS JCR Q2), and has collaborated as a reviewer for journals indexed in WOS JCR and SCIMAGO SJR.

Symposium abstract

The symposium “Assessment in People with Intellectual Disabilities” will include five main presentations:

  1. Assessment of Pragmatics in Youth with Intellectual Disabilities. This presentation will showcase key results obtained from several focus groups conducted with people with intellectual disabilities and stakeholders. These results highlight important aspects that should be considered when designing specific pragmatic assessment scales for this group.
  2. Addressing Tobacco Use in People with Intellectual Disabilities. The aim of this presentation is to evaluate approaches to addressing tobacco addiction in people with intellectual disabilities, in order to improve responses and foster new intervention initiatives, considering their specific characteristics and needs.
  3. Evaluation of Self-Determination in People with Intellectual Disabilities.The aim of this presentation is to consolidate knowledge about self-determination outcomes in people with intellectual disabilities.
  4. Affective-sexual Education for People with Intellectual Disabilities. Although sexuality, reproductive health, and starting a family are human rights that should be guaranteed for all citizens, they remain taboo topics for people with intellectual disabilities. The results of a Delphi study will be presented, aiming to determine which indicators are essential for developing an affective-sexual education program for people with intellectual disabilities.
  1. Rights Assessment in People with Intellectual Disabilities. It is essential to empower people with intellectual disabilities to exercise their rights. This presentation will provide evidence on the utility and reliability of the “#Rights4MeToo” scale to assess the extent to which people with intellectual disabilities exercise their rights in all areas of their lives.