Marisol Cueli, PhD in Psychology, is an Associate Professor in the area of Educational and Developmental Psychology of Department of Psychology at the University of Oviedo (Oviedo, Spain). She is member of the research team on School Learning, Difficulties and Academic Achievement (ADIR;
Her research lines include the study of the most effective teaching-learning strategies for optimal learning and the affective-motivational variables involved. In line with the ADIR research team, they work for the detection of the ideal contexts for a better personal, scholastic and social development of our students, collaborating in the generation of different intervention instruments in the educational field. To achieve this goal, she has participated in nine research projects, and is currently, together with Rebeca Cerezo, principal investigator of the knowledge generation project hIper-App (reference: PID2023-147792NB-I00) whose general objective is to develop a digital tool based on scientific evidence for the improvement of reading comprehension and written expression and to analyze its effectiveness when its implementation is done with and without artificial intelligence.
The results of the research in which he has participated have been published in book chapters and in more than 51 articles in prestigious scientific journals with a high impact index. His scientific contributions have been the result in many cases of collaboration with international experts with whom he had the opportunity to participate in research stays in prestigious centers (University of Miami; Harvard Medical School – Boston Children’s Hospital; University Children’s Hospital Zurich).
International reading comprehension evaluation reports provide alarming data reflecting that our students have low levels of comprehension and unfavorable attitudes towards reading. At the same time, a significant percentage of our students present specific learning difficulties that affect reading comprehension. In this context, it is necessary to generate effective interventions that allow us to work on reading, a key skill for the personal, school and social development of students.
In order to achieve this objective, the ADIR research team is working on two research projects (APPrendeRti e hIper-App), which are presented in this symposium through four communications.
The APPrendeRti project seeks a more integrated model of assessment-intervention of learning difficulties based on Response to Intervention (RTI). In this symposium we will present the App developed and its utilities for the assessment of executive functions and reading level, but also for the intervention of students with learning difficulties.
The second project, hIper-App, is aimed at developing a digital tool based for the improvement of reading comprehension. To achieve this goal, and considering that the use of cognitive and metacognitive strategies has shown a positive impact on information management and reading comprehension of students, this project seeks to update the Hypertext strategy designed by the ADIR team. Hypertext is a cognitive strategy that allows student training to facilitate the organization of information in a type of concept map. In this symposium the Hypertext strategy and the line of research initiated for the development of a new App will be presented along with the preliminary results of its application in the first years of schooling.