Rosario Del Rey is Professor in the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology at the University of Seville, PI of the Interpersonal Aggression and Social-Emotional Development research group ( and co-chair of the International Observatory on School Climate and Violence Prevention (
Since the late 1990s, she has been researching phenomena such as bullying, cyberbullying, sexting and other risks associated with the Internet, as well as designing and evaluating psycho-educational action programmes to prevent and address them. She has participated and led international, national, regional and local competitive research projects and contracts, which has allowed her to have a wide scientific production and experience in the transfer of knowledge on these issues.
Some of her work includes support to the Nicaraguan government for the inclusion of violence prevention in the official curriculum, the design of the Slovenian strategy to prevent violence among minors, consultancy for the Comprehensive Plan against School Bullying for a Positive Coexistence in the Basque Educational System; and the current programmes of the Andalusian Regional Government for the Prevention of School Bullying and Cyberbullying (ConRed-Andalucía) and the ADA Programme (Andalusian Digital Assistant Pupils).
Since 2010 she has been a reviewer at ANEP, in 2020 she became manager of the scientific area of Psychology of the AEI and currently she is a coordinator. In addition, she is a reviewer of international journals of high international recognition and is a member of scientific committees of international conferences.