Full Professor of Developmental and Educational Psychology (University of La Rioja). Since 1999.
Coordinator of the Doctoral Programme ‘Psychology and Education’ (University of La Rioja).
Director from 2008-2022 of the Extracurricular Enrichment Programme in La Rioja for High Ability students. University of La Rioja-Ministry of Education and Culture (Government of La Rioja). Director 2022-2023 of the Extracurricular Enrichment Programme in La Rioja for High Ability students. IberCaja.
Academic Co-Director with Dr. A. Castelló, of the University Master’s Degree in Neuropsychology of High Intellectual Ability. University of La Rioja (8 editions).
Academic Co-Director of the UR Master’s Degree with Editorial Viguera: Autistic Spectrum Disorders (13 editions).
Academic Co-Director with Dr. MªL. Poch i Olivé of the University Expert of the University of La Rioja: Early Intervention (2018-2019).
Full member of the Spanish Academy of Psychology.
Central theme: Differential Cognitive Development, focusing on: a) High Intellectual Ability;
IP in International, national and regional R+D+i projects, research agreements with the Administration (Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Government of La Rioja
Research networks: European Network on the Study of Human Interaction (MASI), International Research Network on Inclusive Education GIEI.
-Principal Investigator of the Cognitive Research team of the University of La Rioja (EICUR).
-Member of the Scientific Board of specialised journals such as Anales de Psicología.
-Reviewer of specialised publications and impact, for example: Gifted Child Quarterly, Journal for the Education of the Gifted, Gifted Child Today, Frontiers Psychology, Revista de Neurología, Comunicar, etc.
Given that children and adolescents with High Intellectual Ability (HIA) change throughout their development in a world that is also changing, it is necessary to shift the paradigm on the nature of this differential manifestation of human intelligence, according to the interdisciplinary scientific advances, and to draw the necessary conclusions to achieve a multidimensional and reliable diagnostic process adjusted to it. Coherently, education for HIA, together with the services and systems that organise and support it, must be rethought to become the optimal guide for the development of high intellectual potential, preserving the personal well-being of those who possess it, providing access to the opportunities and necessary resources for its full manifestation. In this way, it can be facilitated to crystallize into major achievements in any of the fields necessary for scientific, humanistic and social progress.
The aim of the symposium is to present 5 papers within the new HIA paradigm, based on ongoing empirical studies, showing interdisciplinary results of some conceptual advances in cognitive and emotional regulation in HIA (cold and warm executive functions), as well as in effective educational intervention through enrichment, from an international comparative perspective. The first paper presents results from an inclusive educational programme in Germany (LemaS) of curricular enrichment. The second paper presents empirical and socio-emotional intervention results in school children with HIA The third paper shows the diagnostic reliability and changes in school children with HIA participating in the programmes of the Regional Ministry of Education of the Government of Murcia. The fourth paper presents results on the effect of enrichment programmes in an international context. The fifth paper presents a model of the relationship between hot and cold executive functions that affect cognitive and emotional regulation in students and young people with HIA.